Camp Status Updates
As we are currently faced with many challenges that leave us uncertain of the next moment, we felt it helpful to create this page to keep you all updated on what is going on with Mike & Elisabeth and the camp.
June 2023
Mike and I became the stewards of Ambassadors for Christ Ministries, Inc. and it's camp in Huntersville, WV in 2016. We knew very little about why God had us making the move at the time. We came, applying all that we were and all that we had to be faithful to the purpose of the ministry and its property.
It was after we realized we would be spending most of our time in WV that Mike was diagnosed with Parkinson's. We still had a home, most of our family, and a business in FL. It all seemed out of control for a brief period. Asking for prayer while pressing into The Lord, we realized WV was where God needed us to be for this season. One day we will write our full story about this journey for it is full of God growing us into what He needed us to be.
Today, June 21, 2023 finds us having to scale all things way back for a couple of reasons. Our family, specifically Mike & my momma, with their journey through the physical challenges presented, have become the priority for our physical, mental, and emotional energies. This along with the rising cost of operating the camp finds us having to make hard decisions regarding the days ahead.
Summer 2024
We are open through the summer of '24 with limited spaces to keep it all manageable. As we move through the days ahead we are taking it one moment at a time believing God will reveal His best for the camp and our family. There are a few mission teams coming in as well as several family reunions, otherwise a quiet summer which is perfect for us at the moment. Thank you all for your prayers and support.